Dentist in Auburn ME

Auburn Cosmetic Dentist | I Chipped a Tooth! What Can I Do?

Family Dentist in Auburn, ME

james helmkamp ddsIt usually starts pretty innocently. You’re biting into your favorite hard candy and suddenly you realize that there’s one little hard piece in your mouth you can’t seem to dissolve. You check it out and fear overcomes you when you see it’s a little chipped piece of a tooth.

Auburn Dentist | Optimal Gum Health for Seniors

Dentist in Auburn, ME

Dentist in 04210For seniors, it is imperative that gum health is a top priority. As you age, your risk of developing periodontal (gum) disease increases. Periodontal disease is both preventable, and in many cases, reversible. When left untreated, it can lead to more serious complications such as bloody or swollen gums,

Auburn Dentist | Dental Care Tips While Traveling

Dentist in Auburn, ME

Dentist in 04210When you are traveling, it can be challenging to keep up with your usual daily routine. For many people, this can include having difficulty finding the time to properly brush and floss. Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure,

Auburn Dentist | Are Dental Veneers Right for Me?


Dentist in AuburnWe often have visitors to our office ask about solutions for fixing stained teeth or filling in gaps between teeth. We sometimes suggest veneers. Veneers are one cosmetic option available for correcting your smile. Here’s what you should know about veneers, and whether they are right for you and your smile.

Dentist in Auburn | You Need to Know About Oral Thrush: Here’s Why

Dentist in Auburn

Auburn DentistEven a healthy mouth is lined with bacteria. Normally, your daily oral hygiene routine helps prevent oral health complications. However, it is possible to develop an excess of bacteria and fungi, which can leading to additional problems. Here’s what you should know about oral thrush and what you can do to prevent it.